A Credit Card Machine with Built-In Ambition
In this article, you’ll learn:
The basics of mobile card readers
The costs behind owning a POS system
How SumUp saves your small business money and protects your customers data
A credit card reader that charges no hidden fees and can easily be taken on the go was once unheard of. Now, small business owners have the option to take card payments wherever their business takes them.
In fact, SumUp has a range of business solutions for growing businesses. From Remote Payments to innovative card readers, SumUp can help your business grow while saving money on processing fees.
The basics
If you’re a small business owner, or considering a new side-gig, you’ve likely heard the term EMV when talking about card readers. EMV stands for Europay, Mastercard, and Visa, but the term represents credit and debit cards that carry their own computer chips. All data is held on that chip, which is almost impossible to counterfeit.
Recently in the United States, payment fraud liability has quickly become a hot topic. When a business doesn’t have the capacity to process EMV cards, it’s held financially responsible for the payments it does process. That’s why SumUp created affordable, easy-to-use card readers that are accessible to all small business owners.
Once you’ve moved beyond the old-fashioned credit card swipe machine, you will also need to protect against identity theft. Surprisingly, this is not a feature most processors offer, but SumUp does.
Understanding processing rates
When you work with a company like SumUp, you pay a flat rate each time you take a transaction, whether you’re in-person or accepting a remote payment. At SumUp, you pay a low 2.75% per in-person transaction with no monthly minimums, subscription fees or hidden costs.
When choosing the card reader that’s right for your business, it’s important to note that some companies will charge monthly service fees, hardware costs, and other fees that could raise your expenses considerably. Sometimes, small business owners will choose a card reader with a lower processing fee, only to find out that they pay much more in the long run because of the fees mentioned above.
Plus, when you work with SumUp, you’re working with people who understand the growing pains of a small business. Our card readers were created to be easily set up and even easier to use for both the merchant and their customers.
Overcoming security challenges
Your credit card machine is not just a processor– it also records your clients’ data, meaning you must pay attention to the privacy regulations that are unique to your industry. SumUp Card Readers help protect your business from facing privacy risks with end-to-end encryption. Simply put, SumUp’s chip and signature machine encrypts data before transmitting it.
Easy setup, easy transacting
Did you know that most card readers process payments in only a few seconds? Increasing your transaction speed provides a better payment experience for you and your customers. Even better, with a SumUp Card Reader, you can easily set up your device in minutes. Gone are the days of complicated POS systems.
The SumUp Plus Card Reader is a lightweight mobile card reader that connects to your smartphone or tablet to accept swipe, chip and contactless payments in-store or on the go. Simply connect the device to the free SumUp App to start accepting payments.