Payments and finance

Learn more about our tools that make it easy to accept payments and manage your business.

Payments and finance

5 Fragen und Antworten zu NFC-Zahlungen

Alles, was Sie über NFC-Zahlungen wissen müssen.

Marcel Debong

Sep 8, 2021

woman pays contactless in a store via a sumup air cardreader

So profitieren Sie von kontaktlosen Zahlungen

Hilfreiche Tipps, um Kunden in Ihrem Geschäft zu kontaktlosen Zahlungen zu ermutigen.

Marcel Debong

Sep 3, 2021

A SumUp Card next to a SumUp Air Card Reader

Die SumUp Card ist jetzt 3D Secure

Your safety is our priority; learn how SumUp has become 3D Secure to protect you better

Paul O'Callaghan

Nov 18, 2020