5 Questions with Pérouse Paris
Name: Philippine Pérouse
Business name: Pérouse Paris
Year of founding: 2015
City: Paris
"I’m very satisfied. I’ve used SumUp to accept card payments since the beginning. I chose SumUp because they there’s no contract and their pricing plan was more appealing than those belonging to traditional providers."
5 questions:
What motivates you?
"My clients’ reaction when they discover their custom-made Pérouse Paris creation—they have stars in their eyes!"
How do you promote your business? How do you make yourself known?
"The world of jewellery relies on trust. A large part of our clientele know us because of their family and friends. To get ourselves known, we also collaborate with bloggers and we organize events around the brand."
What three pieces of advice would you give to students who want to become entrepreneurs?
"Get help, don’t get discouraged, and set up a business that excites you and in which you are competent. Entrepreneurship is not only improvisation."
How do you define success?
"It’s our clients who make us successful. It’s when they’re proud to wear their Pérouse creation, when they recommend the brand, and when they appreciate the value. But success is above all longevity. I do not wish to create a temporary brand."
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
"The day I began working with handmade gold suppliers. I still work with them today and we have an excellent rapport."
In one word, describe the life of an entrepreneur.