A Visit at Casimier
Casimier is a Berlin brand founded in 2009 by Tanyel and Natalie Cetin. They sell premium knitwear accessories made from the finest cashmere, merino wool, alpaca wool, and mohair. They're also a valued SumUp customer. We visited their shop and were wowed by their chic, colourful displays.
When and why did you begin using SumUp?
"We started in 2013. We needed a card payment option for a bi-annual offline sale event in Berlin. Of course, we are now also using it for our pop-up shop. Before, we used the classic card payment providers, which charged us very high rent fees for just a few days of use."
What do you like about SumUp?
"The clear pricing structure, no monthly fixed fee, and the fast payment to our bank account. Also—very clear invoicing, which makes the bookkeeping much easier."
What do your customers like about SumUp? How do they react to being able to pay by card?
"With our pricing structure, people kind of assume that we must offer card payment. In the first years, people wanted to know what kind of system it was, but within the last years, people got used to Sumup."