Love, pizza, and SumUp: Meet the couple behind one of Italy’s top pizzerias
They opened just before the first lockdown and are now among the 100 best pizzerias in Italy. Carla and her partner tell us the story of "Uagliò" and their idea of making great pizza accessible for everyone.
Since February is the month of love, and because helping small businesses means getting to know their stories, we caught up with the couple combining love and business with pizza.
“Let’s do something crazy, let’s open a pizzeria”
These were the words uttered by Carla and her partner just before Italy’s first lockdown. Carla, a French chef who specialised in dough, and her Neapolitan partner opened Uagliò in Turin last year driven by the desire to make pizza available for everyone. Despite the challenging year, they will soon celebrate their first business-anniversary.
In addition to the traditional pizzas, such as the margherita, marinara, and the pizza a portafoglio (or takeaway, folded, ‘wallet’ pizza) to be enjoyed on-the-go, the magic of Uagliò lies in the creative flavours based on quality ingredients.
In September, for example, they offered the "fichi d'artificio" pizza with flambée figs… set on fire. Carla doesn't like referring to these pizzas as ‘gourmet’ though: "We’re a small business, not a restaurant; we always aim to make street food but at a high quality."
Ingredients to support small producers
All of the ingredients for the pizzas made by the couple are bought from small producers in the South of Italy. They collaborate with farms and small family-run businesses that bring their cheeses and cold cuts to Turin, to meet the quality standards of the type of pizzas they make. The creativity of these pizzas comes from creating an environment that welcomes a sense of humour. However, this positivity contrasts greatly with how the business opened.
"We opened on 10th December and on 10th March we closed”
The team from "Uagliò" told us that this difficult period led them to reinvent themselves "quite a few times.” Today, however, they can boast of a loyal clientele and have just recently been honoured as one of the top 100 pizzerias in Italy.
And, we’re incredibly proud to be the solution for their card payments.
"I like out-of-the-box creations. I knew about SumUp because I saw the devices in other shops in our area. The reader doesn't take up much space, it's convenient, and we really like that, so we decided to go for it.”
Pizza for all
Carla and her partner describe Uagliò as a pizzeria with a "looser" vibe. The business strays away from formality and cutlery but pays attention to many details, including their packaging. Rejecting the use of plastic, the couple is keen to demonstrate their support for the environment and to leave "a positive footprint."
Street food is synonymous with simplicity, ease, and accessibility. With this in mind, Uagliò offers pizzas at a low price without sacrificing quality, truly offering pizza for everyone.
Our card readers are also as easy to order as pizza. We have no fixed costs or contractual commitments. If you’d like to discuss custom pricing for your business, use the form below and our Sales team will be in touch.
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