SumUp Connect
Explore exclusive discounts and offers from us and our third-party partners, picked especially for our SumUp community.
Perks and discounts
As a SumUp customer, you’ve got access to special promotions and can unlock exclusive discounts to save money on complementary products.
Level up your business
From POS systems to accounting tools, we’ve brought you deals on services and products that will elevate your business, alongside your SumUp products.
Top products and services
All products have our customers in mind. You’ll only find reliable and easy-to-use solutions offered by reputable brands.
Something for everyone
From booking management to e-commerce website design, our partners bring you the best tools and cover all your needs for a thriving, successful business.
Gastronomy & Hospitality POS
Feature-rich POS solutions delivering a suite of tools to grow your business, with many optional modules.
Retail & Gastronomy POS
A complete ePOS retail management solution for your business: transactions, record sales, customer management.
Hair & Beauty Software
One place to manage all online and offline sales, keep automatic finance records and track performance.
Online Store Provider
Set up a new store in minutes with this customisable, open-source e-commerce platform built on WordPress.
Field Service Management
All-in-one workflow and business app with everything from paperwork, team features, customer management.
Website & Online Store Builder
Create your website, sell online and manage everything from one dashboard with Wix’s eCommerce platform.
Gastronomy POS
Process orders quickly, reduce mistakes and streamline your restaurant with intuitive POS technology.
Online Store Provider
Efficient and innovative e-commerce solution to create an online store and grow your business.