Magic Pay - A new & better way to pay at restaurants
We’ve created a new and better way to pay at restaurants! Like, much better!
Check it out:
Magic Pay transforms the payment experience at restaurants. It takes the frustration away from the guests when they’re ready to leave but can’t because they have to wait for the bill. On the other hand it saves your wait staff valuable time.
It’s a classic win-win.
The way it works for your guests couldn’t be easier. They don’t need to download an app, nor do they need to register. ✨
During our 3-month test phase where over 100 restaurants in the UK got to trial Magic Pay we learned a few things:
On average almost half of the guests choose the QR code payment method.
Tips for wait staff increased by 38% on average thanks to the prompt in Magic Pay.
It saves wait staff about 12 minutes per table. 12 minutes that they can use to provide better service.
Only 2 out of over 100 restaurants stopped using Magic Pay, all other ones are still going strong.
What we’ve also learned is that walkouts barely happen. It was a fear of many restaurant managers but it turns out that giving the guests the option to pay via QR code doesn’t turn them into criminals. The number of walkouts overall didn’t increase. Think of it as the modern version of leaving cash on the table and go.
If you think Magic Pay could be valuable for you and your guests too here’s the good news:
Sign up for Magic Pay here and you'll get your first 3 months for free!