SumUp: The most secure payment experience for you—and your customers
At SumUp, we take security seriously. That’s why we’ve done everything possible to ensure our mobile point of sale (mPOS) products and services are the safest options available on the market today. Here’s just a few of the measures we’ve taken to protect you and your customers’ sensitive data.
No surprises—PIN is entered on the card reader
We’ve designed the Air Card Reader to be the best all-in-one payment solution for your business; it takes contactless payments as well as Chip & PIN and Swipe & Sign. To ensure security, the Air Card Reader uses encryption when handling sensitive information such as credit card numbers. Apple Pay and Android Pay use tokenisation to protect data: information is replaced by a string of randomly generated numbers known as a “token.” Furthermore, Apple Pay uses Touch ID fingerprint technology to recognize its users.
We built the Air Card Reader to be trustworthy: not only is our software secure, but so is our hardware. People expect to tap their card or enter their PIN onto a certified, professional-looking card terminal—and that’s what we deliver.
Highest security certification—why settle for less?
The PCI PTS (Payment Card Industry PIN Transaction Security) is an important standard for POS devices that handle a customer’s PIN. Business owners are strongly advised against putting sensitive data at risk with an uncertified payment device. Our proprietary card reader is PCI PTS certified and was made to securely process PIN payments from the get go.
In addition, SumUp is PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) approved. Both the PCI PTS and the PCI DSS certifications are managed by the card brands and administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. The standard was created to reduce fraud and certifies a business’s ability to abide by the highest security standards available.
The good news is you don’t have to worry about certification as a regular SumUp customer. Our hardware and software are covered, so you can get on with doing what you do best.
What does this mean for you?
Peace of mind: you’re working with a payment service that obeys the highest security standards available.
Reputation as trustworthy: you can advertise that your business uses a PCI approved payment service, passing the aforementioned peace of mind onto your customers. Of course, this helps grow your customer base—and profits.
No penalties: accepting card payments using SumUp, while respecting our terms and conditions, means you’re protected against possible fines incurred for non-compliant transactions (e.g. incorrect storage of credit card numbers).
We’ve got your back—dedicated U.K. support
We’ve worked with our large and loyal customer base in Ireland for four years now, so we know what businesses expect. With native English speakers working during Irish businesses hours, we’re committed to answering any questions you may have about security, and beyond.
Ensure you’re doing your part to take payments as securely as possible:
Check out these Support Centre tips.
Learn more about security here.