Preprosto načrtovanje za vsak posel


Preprosto načrtovanje za vsak posel


SumUp Bookings je celovit sistem rezervacij za vaše podjetje. Poenostavite načrtovanje in raje čas namenite temu, kar radi počnete.

Upravljajte termine

Dodajte delovni čas in storitve, ki jih ponujate, ter se odzovite na zahteve ali blokirajte čas – vse na enem samem mestu. Poskrbite, da bo vaš urnik organiziran s poenostavljenim pregledom koledarja, ki vam prihrani čas.

Avtomatizirajte načrtovanje

Sprejemajte termine hitreje z avtomatiziranimi potrditvami, sporočili in opomniki. Po opravljeni rezervaciji vi in vaše stranke pravočasno prejmete posodobitve po e-pošti in sporočilu SMS do datuma in časa termina.

Avtomatizirajte načrtovanje

Sprejemajte termine hitreje z avtomatiziranimi potrditvami, sporočili in opomniki. Po opravljeni rezervaciji vi in vaše stranke pravočasno prejmete posodobitve po e-pošti in sporočilu SMS do datuma in časa termina.

Get paid faster

Give customers a smoother checkout experience. Take secure prepaid bookings using credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal at the checkout.

Free signup. Low transaction fees.

£ 0

No signup fee or monthly costs

2,5 %

transakcijska provizija

Scheduling tools for every service

Hair & beauty

Whether at your salon or clients' homes, customer notes and automatic notifications keep your clients in the loop.

Health & wellness

Manage appointments or mark no-shows to keep your schedule balanced as you promote health and wellbeing.

Professional services

Take appointment bookings, block time and respond to enquiries on the go and reduce the administrative load from your day-to-day.

Tools for you and your customers

For your business

Manage your schedule with ease

  • Free website to display your services

  • Confirm appointments automatically or manually

  • Take payments online or in person

  • Block time and mark no-shows

  • Send notifications

For your customers

Hassle-free bookings 24/7

  • Bookings directly through your SumUp website

  • Add customer notes

  • Receive booking confirmations

  • Appointment reminders via SMS or email

  • Request appointment cancellations

Get started for free with SumUp Bookings
